Relatives and Friends...
At 5:30 p.m, today I will have been home from the Hospital and rehab for two weeks. This is the first time that I have been to my office on the second floor of a separate building. I have typed detailed messages to send to all of you three times, and I have lost them each time just before clicking on Send. I
also tried about eight more times, but afterr one or two sentences I game up...this was on my mini computer in my bedroom. I also had a difficult time sending messages from that mini computer. This was driiving me crazy, and that's the reason that you haven't heard from me. Sorry 'bout that.
I went into the Loma Linda Hosptal at 5:00 a.m. on August 29, and had open heart surgery that day. I didn't even know that I had the surgery until late the next day.
After several days, I was transferred to the nearby Heritage Gardens rehab center. When I had a doctor's appointment a week and a half later I was readmitted to the hospital to get my heart beating properly. They got that taken care of and some time later I went back to rehab.
I'm home, feeling good, no pain at any tme and getting stronger every day. I have a nurse and a physical therapist checking on me a couple times week. They are
both pleased with my progress.
When I opened my mini compter two days after I got home, I had 1661 incoming email messages. Each day I am receivng drom 35 to 50 incoming messges...disfficult to stay ahead of them. I could remove them all at once, but I am checking all of them, and reading those from the contacts in my incoming email list. Eventually I will respond to those if necessary. However, I have not been able to downlolad or upload the first half of the incoming messages. I may be able to later.
Best wishes to all.
--Ole Bill on the Hill