If you caught my message in the Marion's Babbling's Section, you know I decided not to send Christmas cards this year. This is simply due to the nature of the beast; it's just not practical,nor cost effective to mail cards to hundreds of people, including all my family and friends. Whew!
So please accept my internet greetings by checking out our home page, which features a card set to music! Hope you enjoy it!
Note: I will still send cards to my vets, especially the ones who don't have access to the internet.
Oh heck, might as well place the card here too, but you won't be able to hear the music unless you go to the homepage link above.

Sure love this one. Thanks so much Vee and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!
Thanks so much Marion and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!! and to all my friends here on the forum i love you all !! I am the most fortunate to have met you even though we have never seen in person. But it may be that one day my dream realized and that day I'd be the happiest in the world !!
That is a gorgeous Christmas card M1! 
Frank, Dean and Bing ... The 3 most beautiful voices of Christmas! (and not only)
The Christmas would not be Christmas without them ... I very envy the American cities, so full of light and life for Christmas ... Here in Italy, we do not know how to do so big!
So... Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year. BUON NATALE!
I love this song 
Merry Christmas Vee, Dogdaddy and Enrico.
Buon Natale & Joyeux Noël