
Full Version: Remember The Battle of the Bulge begins 16 december 1944
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Today we remember the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge - 67 years ago, 16 december 1944...




Hitler's remaining troops and armored divisions would have been better used had he placed them between Berlin and the Russians. Nothing would have kept them out, but it could have bought Germany some time to surrender to the Allies and perhaps saved 100,000.00 lives or more. Instead, he decided that the entire population deserved to die with him.


Thank You for this rememberance of the

Battle Of The Bulge. Too bad the American

Media forgot this great battle. Those who

were there will not forget their buddies

who gave their all.

Please God Bless America

Jim Hennessey-87th-Inf-Div.

Dear Jim ,


Thank you thank you for what you have done for my country in 1944 ! You are a hero to me !! I Made a big kiss on your cheek , I love you with all my heart !!


God Bless America




Vivid new pics from the BOB!


Vivid new Battle of the Bulge photos offer never-before-seen look at the war-weary soldiers braving the frigid weather as they fight off Nazi Germany's last major offensive of World War II


Here's a pic of Captain John Fallon - 36th ECB on January 2nd, 1944
