I received a letter from Shawn Fox, whose grandfather was in the 97th Infantry Division. He stated how much he enjoyed reading Ray Repasky's Memoirs page (also from the 97th) and asked about a CD of photos. Well, lo and behold, I had completely forgotten about those photos and sure enough, upon a search this morning, I re-discovered them.
I had always planned on starting another section for all the other WWII vets, and today is as good a day than any, so....thanks for the inspiration Shawn. I will be uploading all the other photos over the next few days and weeks!
This means I will include such men as James Hennessey, Rocky Riojas and all the other great WWII veterans. They will now be side-by-side within their own section of the Engineer's Photo Gallery. Ray is the first today.
Okay got several veteran's pic from other units uploaded to the site. More to go, but it's a start!
Simply go here
Then use the menu to view Other WWII Units
Great job, it looks awesome!
[i just noticed this is my 1000th post! Somehow I skipped the rank of Brigadier General and went straight to Major General. Good deal!]
Okay got several veteran's pic from other units uploaded to the site. More to go, but it's a start!
Simply go here
Then use the menu to view Other WWII Units
Just checked out photo gallery you amaze me
so much dedication and expertise. I mean it
you have devoted so much time to us veterans
you are always in our Hearts.God Bless
Jim Hennessey-87th-Inf-Div
Thank you Todd and thank you Jim. It's my pleasure. It's not always an easy job, but it's always a worthwhile, rewarding job.
On a related note...
I've known for years I need another scanner in order to scan legal-sized documents, etc. My current Epson flatbed scanner is a real workhorse and has been my undying friend for the last several years, but while it does a great job with pages from a hardback, or simply when I need a few pages copied, it doesn't have the capacity for 8 X 14 sheets. It's also a real bite when I have to scan (let's say 100 pages) of an historical document, for then I have to open the scanner, place the sheet, scan, remove the sheet, place the next sheet,scan...
As you can imagine, it's often a long, tedious process, and therefore many things I'd like to upload to our site, go undone.
So this week I am going to begin searching for a second scanner which allows me to copy larger documents and also has a multiple-feed feature. Imagine how much easier my life could be if I could simply load 50 pages and walk away. It's time to open the wallet and pay for something to make my life a lot easier.
Danka, danka, danka and oh ya, merci too!!!