I'm so excited. Got invited to speak at the 101st Airborne Luncheon in Farmington Hills, MI. Just got off the phone confirming plans with George Koskimaki, Signal Corps, 101st Airborne WWII. George played a pivotal role in helping me down the "right roads" when I first began my research several years ago.
When I called him today, he asked "are you going to be there tomorrow?" I told him that I never got a confirmation call back, and he told me the fellow who invited me and left a voicemail, has been out of town. He said they are featuring part one of my documentary at the luncheon. Wow, I am so honored and so thrilled.
George said he and his buddy got to watch No Bridge Too Far and he was so complimentary. Told me what a magnificent job I did and said it was so professional. He asked if I had every done this sort of thing before. No, George, it was my first attempt. He was just bubbling with enthusiasm. Can't tell you how much it means for me to hear this from a famous WWII author.
I am picking up my sister-in-law Anne and we are going together. I can't wait to see George again, for it's been a while. Thank you for this great opportunity!!!
I AM GEEKED!!!!!!!!
Very cool, Mar! Get some good pictures!
The next thing we'll probably hear is that M-1 is parachuting onto the luncheon site! You Go Girl! 

M1 the honour bestowed on you reflects the high esteem you are held in by all involved in keeping the memory of WWII alive. None more than than all the friends and members here. How are you going to top this !!!
Best wishes for a successful sortie with the 101st.
(Geek you aint baby!)
You really deserve this Marion. I am so happy for you. I hope you had a great time with the veterans.
Best wishes,
Anne and I had so much fun with the guys. The lunch was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful.
George gave me a glowing review and then we watched part one, chapter one of No Bridge Too Far. It was very well received and several approached me for copies of the documentary. I was also invited back next month for the showing of chapter two. How very exciting.
It also gave me great impetus to get my arse back in gear and complete part two. It's been way too long.
It really made me feel good when George addressed the crowd and praised my work. To have that come from an esteemed author (and my mentor) was a real boost.
While there a gentleman inquired if I would like to attend an event in Indiana in October. Heck yes. If I can make it, I would be honored to attend.
Here's a pic of my teacher. He plays in a Civil War band. He's in the middle behind the drum. Very cool Gene!

Went back this week and chapter two was shown to the group. After the presentation, they presented me with an award. What an honor!

We are all proud of you Marion. You don't get invited to events like this because you are lucky. You have earned the right by all that you do to honor WWII Engineers and ALL other veterans of that conflict. (That doesn't mean I'm not jealous