if we post the posters and Prints we love ?
Vee to start !! 

Wow, I have a ton of them! ha-ha! I will have to go through my hundreds and pick some faves! Well here's one for sure!

1) Thanks, Vee, for the Marine collection!
2) One of them is a Vic Guinness.
This one:

Here is another that most people are familiar with:

In our HQ building in Albany they just put up a painting that has been in another building. It goes back to when the logistics activity (sort of like a HQ for logistics effort in the USMC) was in Philadelphia. It is an original Vic Guinness (a Marine Major during WWII) so I find it pretty interesting, of course.

As for other US Army posters from WWII, here's one of mine for obvious reasons:

WOW Thanks Marion and Todd i love them !!
Here is others that I love much !!

Wow, Vee! I hadn't seen that other Signal Corps one (The "Ring of Death" one). I'll have to see if I can find a bigger version.
This is an actual print created by a 36th Engineer named Sagatelian. This is very, very cool!