Ah, once again many of our regular "posters" have left the premises. You are missed. We look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.
I know several are a bit preoccupied at the time, like Major Todd, who is in the process of moving to Okinawa. Yup, that's a pretty good excuse. ha-ha!
Let's here from you! 
Hello M1,
I've noticed that too. For anyone interested in the USAAF in WWII I have posted more pictures taken during my recent ride in the B-17 "Aluminum Overcast."
Ah, thanks for posting. Maybe we can inspire people to re-join and get in the groove!
Ah, case in point. Look, there are only TWO of us here and this post was activated on May 30th. It's quite a shame. I visit a couple of other forums from time-to-time, and they seem to have an active exchange between the members. I miss that. Seems our echo is back.... 
Perhaps they didn't see it? I enter the forum normally on the New Content page, but Marion's News n Updates n Babblings are not listed there.
<~~~~ Regular resident lurker
Yes, I've also noticed that my postings in MY section are not listed within the What's New section. I have to write to them about this. Also noticing the board no longer lists the latest birthdays. Several little things....
But I'm not just talking about people replying to topics within my "Babblings section", but the whole board in general. We're lucky now to get one response to a member's reply, me included.
I miss all the interaction we used to have. All the little banter back and forth. Even a little hello.
I think much of this is due in part to Facebook. It's taken away from this forum and others, I do believe.
The same thing is happening with our country store. Business is going downhill. I never thought the Wal-Mart in West Branch would affect us, but over the last two years, it certainly has. A lot of our locals have stopped shopping with us, or cut down a great deal, and without local support, the little mom and pops are going the way of the dinosaurs!
Hello, everyone. I'm still lurking, too. I miss the old times as well. More often than not I feel I don't have anything to contribute. :
Perhaps they didn't see it? I enter the forum normally on the New Content page, but Marion's News n Updates n Babblings are not listed there.
Christoph, this has now been fixed, as of this morning. YEAH!
Hey Brooke: Nice to hear from you as ALWAYS! Glad you're at least still lurking!