
Full Version: Last Man Standing, 61st Engineer Combat Battalion
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My Dad was in the 61st Engineer Combat Battalion from England to Germany.


My Dad lived to 78 & I had to prompt him to speak of his WW2 experience.


When Dad did share, learned his reluctance was a result of the carnage he saw.


Was fortunate to visit the Battle of the Bulge Memorial in Bastogne in 1992.


An amazing memorial by the Belgium people, Dad was very impressed by photos.


Just trying to collect historical information on these guys who are heroes.


Below is the information that I have found in 2012 for your information.


All the best,




Wayne R. Masters, CPA

9349 Creekside Ct. #16

Santee, CA 92071

408.250.4030 direct



Just learned that Henry James is the last living member of the 61st Engineer Combat Battalion as follows:

Henry James





Henry Milton James

Army Corps of Engineers, WDC 4th Army,

61st Engineer Combat Unit – Colonel

World War II (1940-1944)


Henry James was born on December 18th 1916 in San Francisco, CA. He grew up in the bay area his mother was a housewife because unfortunately his father died at a young age. Before entering the military Henry had only received a Jr. College education. When asked for his reasons for entering the military he only had to say, “the war.” His parents were very proud of him when he enlisted. He wasn’t required go to boot camp, but he did attend engineer school for the Army.

His first assignment was in the Presidio, San Francisco. He was only a private at the time, carrying out general duties. At this assignment his unit’s moral was very high. “It was a good group of guys,” he said. From San Francisco he went to Officer Candidate School. OCS was very difficult but that is what comes with being an officer. He gradated from OCS a second Lieutenant. His military specialty as an engineer was to lay mines, disable mines, build bridges, build roads, and any engineering feat that was necessary for the advancement of the troops. As an officer he was the platoon leader, which meant that he was in charge of 45 men.

Henry was in over 60 units over his long career. His complete history is so long that he couldn’t remember all the details. But he remembers that he was deployed throughout Europe. He was part of the Invasion of Normandy, while a second lieutenant. The Invasion of Normandy was part of Operation Overlord in World War Two. The invasion had many parts, but there were five amphibious landings on five beaches in the early morning of June 6th 1944. This operation resulted in a decisive victory for the allied forces, which included Henry. Henry was in Europe when Germany surrendered. He was glad that the war was over and excited to get home.

Upon his arrival home he felt that people were proud of his service. They were glad to see him come home safe. As for the military, Henry only had to say, “They were glad to get rid of me.” He attended San Francisco Law School, after he was released from active duty and into the reserves. He graduated with a degree in law. He had many duties while in the reserves and was part of 15 reserve units. By this time Henry had earned the rank of Colonel.

Looking back, he said that there wasn’t one scary moment, but the fog of war always rendered a sense of fear in everyone, a fear of the unknown. War is always scary because you don’t know what is on the other side, or what type of area you are getting into. As for humor during the war he was reluctant to give an example because he said, “What was funny to us at the time wouldn’t be funny to you today. But there were a lot of pranks.” When asked if his service was justified he responded, “I don’t care what other people say, I did what I thought was the right thing to do.” He believes that war is unnecessary; there are other means to finding peace. But there is also a sense of unjust domination in war that is uncalled for. For example you don’t even know the man that you are firing at, you just do because you have been told to, among other circumstances you may be very friendly. Because of this, war is a very difficult thing to analyze.

Thank you, Henry, my Dad & Robert's Dad were the greatest generation.


My Dad passed in 1998 & was in the 61st engineer combat battalion in WW2. I have been unable to find any info on the internet. My Mom has a photo from Stars & Stripes which is a 1 page cartoon on the 61st engineer combat battalion. I recall the cartoon is of a football game & the caption is "They have the goal line mined" with reference to the 61st engineer combat battalion. I know my Dad lived with a Belgium couple for a short while during WW2 but have no further info. All the best, Wayne Masters


The 61st Combat Engineer Battalion left Taunton, Massachusetts March 24th, 1944 and arrived at Bristol, England 11 days later, April 4th.


Their landing in France took place July 1st at Utah Beach and the battalion immediately moved inland to a staging area near Briquebec arriving there the same day. They maneuvered as far south as Epernay, France before heading north to Dolhane, Belgium and eventually into Germany. Your father lived with a family in Dolhane and most of the 61st battalion, including my father, were billeted with Belgian families in this town for about 8 weeks from November, 1944 through early January 1945. The 61st were on the northern fringe of the Battle of the Bulge. I am uncertain of their precise engagement in the battle but I do know that anyone capable of carrying a rifle was put on guard.


A journal of the 61st Engineer Combat Battalion is attached for it's historical significance.


Thanks to: Robert Di Salvo, Son of PFC James Di Salvo, 61st Combat Engineer Batallion,


John Smith (son of a 61st veteran with the same name) of Delaware,


Nicholas Elsbree: Founder, Web Administrator, Contributor, and Veterans History Project Intern in the Office of Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey

Enjoyed reading your post this morning. Welcome to our forum! We appreciate the information you've provided.


Interesting to read about Henry James, the last living member of the unit, too.


It's states above, a journal is attached, but I don't see any attachments. Was this accidentally forgotten? Let me know.


I am going to search for more data on this unit and will post any of my findings.




Note: Oh, I have removed your email address for your own protection. I always strongly advise everyone never to post your email addy in plain sight anywhere on the internet, for you set yourself up for spam and other attacks. Any member wishing to get in touch with you, may do so through our private PM service via this forum.

Ah, all I have was my reply to this gentleman's post just recently...

61st Engineer Combat Battalion Journal is now attached.


All the best,


Wayne61st Combat Engineer Battalion WW2 Journal.pdf

Thanks. I will try and read it later. Busy day today, so am running around like a chicken with her head cut-off! :zelda:

Interesting read, especially events of December 18, 1944. Scary occurrences!

Seems we have another living member of the unit. Just received this yesterday, from the newest member of our forum:



My step-father, George Oriel Matkin was in the 61st Combat Engineers Battalion.

He is now 92 and living in Mesa, Arizona.

I appreciate any bits of information that I can find on his war experiences.



Lyle Rawlins


My dad was in the 61st and i am looking for any and all information. I have been in contact with Marion, John Smit and Bob DiSalvo


my das was Staff/Platoon Sergeant Fran Montesano from Pittsburgh Pa.


From what I can gather he was int Company A First Platoon.



John Montesano

Hey John. Nice to see you here. I hope we can help you out too. Have a great weekend.

Has anyone been able to find any further information on the 61st Engineer Combat Battalion.  I am doing some research with my 98yr old grandfather who was in this Battalion (Company 'B ). Looking for any information that is available. All I have is the Combat log that somone previously posted.  

Thanks again.

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