
Full Version: Farewell Capt Alexander Kinbaum - 36th Engineer
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Dear Marion,

It is with great sadness that I tell you that my husband, Alexander L Kinbaum, MD has passed away. He was very proud of having served in WW II for three years in the European African and southern France theater. He was a proud member of the 36th combat engineer regiment. He had many great stories to tell me. At this time I want to express Alex’s and my thanks to all veterans who fought for the American freedoms we all enjoy today. I fly a flag in his honor in front of the house.


He died with poor vision, poor hearing , and debilitating arthritis. But he cherished that old flag that flies yet today. It is at half mast in his honor.

I am sorry I found you so late in his life. We could never come to a reunion. I read him all your letters and he kept hoping he would hear a familiar name.

Keep up your good work for all the veterans out there. I wish you health and strength to continue.

God bless all veterans and God bless America,


Mary Ann Kinbaum, proud to be the wife of Capt. Alexander L Kinbaum, MD. retired / deceased.


Mary Ann and I have been corresponding for years and I have been helping her get info to her husband, and even sent them a Seahorse patch, which made him very happy. I'm glad I got to play a role in his rediscovery of his unit. Thank you for your service sir. My sincere condolences to Mary Ann and her family.

Farewell and thanks for all you and those of your generation have done for us.