I'll be honest here-
I'm somewhat of a reserved fellow, and stay with a select few. I kind of like not having 1500 topics started a day. Helps you follow people more, not just screen names if you catch my drift. I do agree there is room for new people, like me. 
Hey Todd, tell them they gotta get their act together with the WI-FI! Sheesh!
Ya, see you in Thailand, our world traveler. Hey, when you get out, you can have your won travel show. I can see you now sitting in an easy chair in a studio...
Oh 24th Armored... No I hear you too. Trust me, I hate mindless chatter and have seen plenty of that elsewhere. I can do without that. I'm glad you jumped in, cuz it's nice chatting with new folks too. God, if I wanted mindless chatter, I'd only hang out on Facebook!
I know I can speak for Todd when I say, it was nice when we'd get a couple of the vets and a few others going back and forth with us. It gave you a real sense of camaraderie, know what I mean?

Our store has been closed now for almost two months. Wow, that doesn't seem possible. I'm getting into the groove and I do love it. I have to admit though, I had a few moments of real adjustment. I do love the peace and quiet.
For those of you who are new, Lee and I owned a country store which was attached to our house, so for ten years, you could always hear people in the store and the bell would be going off and even on our days off, there would be employees, so we were never really alone. I'm loving it, so is Lee.
We are grabbing some floor space from the store area and building two rooms; one is what Lee calls the MANCAVE and the other is a guest room. Can't wait. All the rough out is done and the electrical and building inspectors have given us the go ahead. The dry wall and insulation should arrive today. Can't wait tor that to be completed. Drywalling always makes such a mess.
We only have a one bedroom house, so having a guestroom will be fantastic. 
Still doing my computer work, so that is keeping me busy too. Got a couple of new web clients and I've worked on two computers over the last couple of weeks. In fact, finishing up with one this morning.
Having a good chat with two WWII vets on the World War II Talk forum right now. We are discussing the invasion of Southern France.
What kinds of things did you sell at your store? Hope your 'new' rooms turn out good! Re the vets: Yes, I know what you mean. I love talking to the ones that I know.
About 1100 ft of general groceries, wine, beer, liquor and DVD rentals. It was built in 1889.
Rooms are coming out great. Dry wall and insulation went up yesterday and today. Tomorrow the mudding starts. EWWWW!
Good luck with your project. All this time I hadn't known it was attached to your house. It will be nice to have the extra space!
Oh it sure will. It will be nice not to have to give up our bedroom every time we have long-term guests. Trust me, that gets really old fast. Makes it nice too, for the guestroom is on the "store" side of our house next to the new man-cave, so it will also create more privacy for them and us. When people get up in the morning. They can hang out in big room and watch tv, etc. Man, I can't wait.
We have some pics up on FB and will continue to add to them. Here's the construction and deconstruction images:
Well, I am very, very sorry but I haven't posted here for a long time. Today I was cleaning up some stuff and found Marion's Christmas card. I didn't send any Christmas cards last year but something will come to you soon Marion.
I will try to post more regularly, maybe some picture reports from diffferent events, but I also have to admit that I haven't posted much on other forums. I hope all is well with everyone and maybe we can meet up this year or so.
Frank, how wonderful to hear from you. Ya, time sure gets away from us, doesn't it. But, it's great to hear from you once again. Glad you stopped by and glad to hear you are okay.
I've been catching up with my email, for it's a never-ending process. Last week it took two days for me to go through over 50 emails from various people. Some needed advice and info, some needed to be put in touch with others, Some had photos and documents which I had to process, etc. etc. It's so easy to fall behind and I try my best to give personal replies to all of them. Whew!

Thanks for posting!