brian m
I was given information about a book titled "Photographs of work of the 157th Engineer Combat Battalion" and after several emails, and a lot of waiting, I was able to track it down! I knew the book was 1000 miles away from where I live so I asked if I could see it via an inter-library loan but I was told I could not due to the fragile condition of the book. Fortunately, they were happy to scan the book for me and send me a digital copy! While I prefer to do my own scanning, they did a good job and last night I received the first of likely three installments.
This first batch was 25 pages long and had approximately 39 photographs and needless to say, I have poured over them! The photographs do not appear to be in chronological order and the labels, which seem to have been an afterthought, that were included in the book do not give the best information. I added dates and additional information where I could and I hope to find the information for the other photographs soon.
The first pages were labeled "Putting extra transoms on bridge to strengthen to Class 70" These are from the Seine RIver Bridge at Mantes Glassicourt, Fance. There is a lot written about this bridge as it was the first time that a Bailey Bridges was used in this way: four river barges were used to support the Bailey Bridge. One of the gentlemen, T/5 Richard Purcell, who was in Company C with my grandfather said that the night before the work began on the bridge, Company C unloaded 29 truckloads of Bailey Bridge. After finishing unloading in the early morning, Mr. Purcell was told to get some chow and some sleep. He opted for the sleep but as soon as he laid down, he was told to get up as it was time to start the construction of the bridge. Mr. Purcell has some great stories about this bridge, partly due to the fact that his birthday is August 21st, the same day construction of the bridge began.
This is also where my Grandfather was shot through the leg by the straffing ME-109s, temporarily taking him out of the war. I understand in talking with another 157th, Company C soldier, Sgt. Alton Heimbach, that my Grandfather helped to bring the barges down to the bridge site.
Putting extra transoms on bridge to strengthen to Class 70 (1 of 5)
Putting extra transoms on bridge to strengthen to Class 70 (2 of 5)
Putting extra transoms on bridge to strengthen to Class 70 (3 of 5)
Putting extra transoms on bridge to strengthen to Class 70 (4 of 5)
Putting extra transoms on bridge to strengthen to Class 70 (5 of 5)