My free time today was spent taking a short break from the 24th, and spending time working on the first unit I researched. It was not as thorough as the 24th though.
These are of a grouping in my collection from the C/O of 1/504 PIR, John Berry.
He joined the 504 just in time for the Market Garden jump, and was the XO of 1st Battalion at the time. He made the 2nd wave of the WAAL River crossing.
He became the C/O at somepoint after Market, and stayed with the Battalion till the parade in NYC. He and his men were also the first American unit to "blunt" the advance of Piepers armor, and received a PUC for that action.
I have his BS, PUC W/OLC, and picture of the Tucker Tumbler. It is the original of the picture used in the 82nd Airborne history book.

Let me know if you guys want a clearer close up of something.
This is fascinating! Can you imagine some day someone looking for specific information stumbling onto all of the research you have done and made public!
I do not want you to spend time that you don't have, but I would enjoy seeing those photos closer up.
When I get a chance I will go to a map to locate WAAL River and google some of the things you mentioned.
Thank you for sharing all of this!!!
Jean J
This is great! Thank you so much!!
Jean J
Because it leaves off in the planing stages, I'll give some stats as told to my by a vet that was in 3rd Battalion, 1st wave. If I recall correctly, he was in the boat next to Maj. Cook. Could be wrong.
He says;
"I was in the first wave of the WAAL River crossing and was fortunate being of the survivors of that action (out of the 206 men in the crossing, 48 troopers died and half of the others were wounded)."
He was not wounded during the crossing, but the man in-front of him in the boat was KIA.
Gad, it is so exciting. I am so happy that you have taken on sharing this history with us.
I am hopefully going to St. Louis on Tues. to NARA to examine some records I requested. But I bet while away I look at this site to see what's up.
Jean J
Good luck with your research.
Stay safe, it is not in the best of areas. (Depends on what building I guess.)
Thank You. The location is 1 Archives Drive. We have been there before and it seems like it is North and East of the Airport.
Jean J
That building is the good one. The other one is the one not in a good area.
Have you read the following?
All American - All the Way by Phil Nordyke or
All the Way to Berlin - James Magellas
Both are really great