I am looking for any information on the 453rd Combat Engineers which were part of the army of occupation in Yokohama, Japan. If anyone can help, I would really appreciate the information. Specifically, what division, corp, regiment,etc. were they attached to as well as any other information.
Thanks and take care,
Ricky Day
Hi Ricky, do you mean the 453rd Engineer Depot Company? i dont thinkk there was a 453rd Combat Engineer unit activated from what i have.
Yes, that is one and the same.
The 453rd Engineer Depot Company has Campaign Participation Credits for (3) Bismarck Archipelago ( Detachment only); 13 Leyte; 14 Luzon; 15 New Guinea.
As common with tis type of unit, the whole company was usualy not in one place at the same time. Most of the time they under command of General Kreuger`s 6 th Army.
3rd Platoon was part of 6th Army`s Michaelmas Task Force for the landing at Saidor, New Guinea, 2 Jan `44. Task force was led by the 126th Inf Reg of the 32nd Inf Div.
2nd Platoon has an assault landing credit for Mindoro Island, 15 Dec `44, part of Western Visayan Task Force led by the 19th Inf Reg of the 24th Inf Div & the 503rd Parachute Regiment Combat Team.
I dont see a credit for occupation of Japan, but that doesnt mean they were not there. The 1st Cavalry Division was the principle unit that occupied Yokohama.
Thank you for the information. This is the first time I have been to this site in several years, so just saw your post. According to some other info I found, Dad was training for Operation Olympic Coronet, or the invasion of Japan which was scheduled for Nov 1 1945, but the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks thankfully stopped that invasion. So, all I know is that he was there as part of the army of occupation. I'm going to keep looking and again, I thank you for the information.
Take care,
I know Larry would have loved to see your thank you. Sadly he passed away last year and we shall all miss his informative posts and replies. He helped so many people and heck, he still is!
How True! Dear Larry - what he did for us all!
Infact just recently I was contacted by someone in Belgium who is doing research on the 774th Tank Battalion and Roy Westgate. Thanks to Larry's research we know that Roy was part of the 774th. Larry helped me so much on so many things and this was part of his work - finding out information on the gentlemen that my Dad buried while they were all POW's at Siegburg at the Abbey.
I hope Larry Duzal is listening to all of our praise of him and knows how much we miss him!