Hey everyone! Thanks for the birthday wishes! A special thank you to Marion for special poem! Hallmark must be missing a card writer (ha, ha!)
So sorry for my late reply as I was actually in Korea on a family vaction at the time. I was also unplugged for the most part and only had a Kindel for some internet what-should-we-do-tomorrow type of stuff. Otherwise, I was off the grid. That was a vaction in and of itself. It would certainly suggest it to anyone.
So Korea was pretty cool. I will have some pictures to show here in a bit - just give be some time.
Also in the news, I am checking out of the MEU officially. It was a good tour, but being gone so much is a drag and it is time to go do something else. So it is off to the 1st Marine Air Wing (here on Okinawa) I go. I'll tell you about that as I get over there.
Thanks again for the birthday wishes.
Wow, big step leaving the MEU. Hey, time to move on. Ya, it would be a drag after a while. Would be okay if you were still single, but having a wife and two growing boys, well...
Can't wait to hear more about Korea and seeing the pics.
All the best,