
Full Version: Help on WW-2 Port Repair Ships - Any and all info appreciated!
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Hi everyone,


My father was a member of the 1072nd Engineer Port Repair Ship Team aboard the Robert M. Emery. While doing some research into his background during the war, I became inetersted in these vessels and what they did during that time period.


10 ships were specially constructed, with only 5 seeing action in the ETO (and perhaps elsewhere?).


If you have any information concerning these ships, their crews, where they went etc. please either post a message here or contact me .


I have the crew list for the Robert M. Emery (1072nd Engineer Port Repair Ship Team)

and the

Junior N. Van Noy (1071st Engineer Port Repair Ship Team) if anyone is interested



Welcome. It's great to have you here, and it's nice to see someone taking interest in one of the lesser known units.


Oh, just so you know, I wouldn't post my email in public, here or anywhere else, for you will get tons of spam and maybe worse. Anyone who needs to get in touch with you, can sign-in and send you a private message via the forum. So please go back in and remove your address, for your own piece of mind.


I look forward to talking with you and learning what you have to share with us.


All the best and Merry Christmas,

There is an online resource we use which may help you in your search. We refer to it as our 'bible' for information on Combat Engineers.


Go to - read online - in LH column and then move the cursor at the foot of the page to required page(s).


Pages 355 to 363 mention the port repair ships and there may be other references in the volume. Sadly although 1071st is mentioned the 1072nd is not.

