
Full Version: 389th FA Bn - Commander Lt. Col. Lawrence G. Kiely
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Nov 2013


389th FA Bn., commanded by Lt. Col. Lawrence G. Kiely


My Grandfather was a close friend to the Kiely's. He has written some stories of his experiences in WWII and had mentioned Lawrence Kiely a few times. He does not k now what happened to him after he was deployed overseas. He also lost touch with Lawrence's wife Dorothy at that time. I was wondering if you knew any additional information about Lawrence Kiely? I have tried to research him but can only find a census from 1940 and a death cert in Calif in 1966.


I was hoping to find an obituary of Lawrence and Dorothy.


Any direction you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I have tried all of the research suggestions on your site, but with now luck.


I would also like the thank you for creating such a wonderful site. I have spent several hours reading through the information you have posting.



Britta Miller


I am posting some info that I find on the unit, but will look for any personal insight, also.

You may want to contact the 97th Inf Div and send an email. They may have more personal info on the Colonel and may be able to put you in touch with a family member or a friend of his? It's worth a try!