I have a book in my possession from an Inter-Library Loan pertaining to the 138th Engineer Combat Battalion Unit History. As such, I am willing to post information from the book on the forum by request. Since the book is not Copyrighted, I can scan pages and send as attachment files. I will have the book until 2-10-2014. The book: 138th Engineer Battalion A History (March 1944 - October 1946) was compiled by John W. Hammersmith and came from the Clarke Engineer School Library, For Leonard Wood, MO 6573-5000.
The book basically contains information from After Action Report No. 2 for 1-30 April 1945, Company B History, a name index, history and company contributions from the Drag Line, miscellaneous group pictures with names, chronology of evens.
Hope this helps someone in a small way,
Hey John: Glad to see you here. Thanks for the great offer. ANYTHING you can scan and add to the site, will be happily accepted. Three cheers.
I'd like to think of this site as THE repository for anything related to WWII engineers, so try and place as much info here for the public.
Oh, this is so good to see. I am delighted when anyone here takes the time to scan and share their material with us. This is a GOLD MINE! Just walked in the door, so haven't had the chance to peruse any individual file yet.
Thank you, thank you!
Hi Marion,
If you will send me your mailing address. I will mail you a CD containing a PDF File of the book I mentioned in previous posts as well as a hard copy. On the CD I can also include a searchable PD File if that would help.
I would have accomplished this task much sooner but I recently had a transient vision loss in my right eye reducing me to monocular vision.
With kind regards,
NOTE: John, I removed your email address from your post, for I don't want you to get spammed! 
Oh dear John. So very sorry to hear of your recent vision loss. How scary and frightening that must be. Totally understandable why you were not around.
Marion J Chard
PO Box 147
Alger, MI 48610-0147
Thanks for your efforts.
So sorry to hear of your vision problems - so terrible to have to deal with such a thing - can't even imagine!!!
Thank you so much for taking on the huge task of trying to share those reports with everyone - and I mean everyone! Who knows who or when someone will want that information. How lucky that the book was created. It is such an overwhelming task to try to get After Action Reports or the Morning Reports on any outfit.
Thank you so much and most of all I hope your vision improves!
Hi Marion,
I will mail you a packet on Tuesday May 27, 204 containing hard copies of the individual pages, a CD containing PDF files of the individual pages, a consolidated PDF of the book and a consolidated PDF file which is searchable. Hope this help in some small way. Have a great Memorial Day!!!!
Super! Have a great Memorial holiday too. Here's to all the veterans.
John, I received the package in the mail today. Thanks so much for doing that for me. I promise to upload it very soon to the website.
Thanks for sharing the other information with me too. I will write more in an email.