Good morning, Vee. I have not heard from you in a long time . I hope that you and your family are well .
Col Bill
Hello all. It's just nice to stop and say hi every now and then and touch base. Hope all is well with everyone on the forum.

Good morning from Okinawa!

Hey how is the storm there? Were you affected?
Hi Bill ,
My family and I are ok . The boys grow Cyril is 24 years and he is a florist he works in a very nice shop near Lille. Marc has 20 years made a bachelor degree ?? aid the person and Arnaud has 17 years old he made a CAP plumber. I attach pictures of my three men of my life and me and my husband !! I hope everything goes well for you and your family with all my love

It is good to hear from you and see pictures of all your family.
Hey how is the storm there? Were you affected?
No, the storm was pretty tame - nothing more than some gusty days. The one that is coming our way now is more of a problem. This is especially true in that my family and I are going to Tokyo this weekend. Looks like we will be able to get out of here on Friday with no problem, however. I will update you on my trip later.
Vee, I cannot believe the boys are that old already. Where did the time go? Oh my! Great to hear all the good news and to see the photos of the entire family. I think it would be so nice to own a floral shop.
Todd: Glad to hear the storm was basically a blow over for you guys. Keep us posted on all the latest.