I recently bought a ww2 german vechicle flag that was captured in France by the 133rd combat engineers 30 days after d-day and now I'm looking for information about 133rd combat engineers and what they did in Normandy and information about the flag does anybody can help me with it?
Greetz Leroy

Hello and welcome to our forum.
The flag is simply grand. What a great acquisition!
If you go to the forum home page, look at the upper right hand corner, and simply type 133rd into the search box. This will bring up a list of topics involving the 133rd! 
Let us know if we can help you with anything. 
It would be wonderful is someone saw their name or the name of a family member.
Dear Leroy Hezemans, My father was a member of the 133rd. His signature appears in your photograph: David A. Aho. It was quite emotional to see it there. You may be interested to know that I am currently working on a research project ( I am an artist) about the 133rd and various events they were involved with in WW2. I can fill you in on everything you would like to know when we have made contact. I may even be able to pinpoint the location of the battalion on the date you have for the capture of the flag as I now have copies of all the operational reports. Please, when you have a chance, tell me where you are located and anything additional you might know about the flag and how it was obtained by the 133rd. I will eagerly look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Eric Aho, Saxtons River, Vermont, USA by Facebook or (Marion's note, removed your email for privacy sake - please use personal messaging)
Eric: How exciting. I CAN imagine how you felt when you saw your father's name on that flag! Can't wait for you and Leroy to be able to talk to each other!
Oh I would highly recommend that you not personally post your email address here or anywhere else, for it's too easy for hackers and bots to get a hold of it. I try to go through the forum and delete any email addresses I find, as a favor to my members.
If you need to get in touch with anyone, simply use our Personal Messaging system. Just click on a member's name and...
Hello Eric,
How awesome! I would love to have some info about the 133rd combat engineer espescialy about the flag the only info I have about the flag is a little tag that says that these are the names and adresses of the engineers and it was captured d-day+30 and they landed on omaha beach. I life in the Netherlands. I tried to look you up on Facebook but i could't find you..
Greetz Leroy
Now I see you Added me a couple of weeks a go!