Beautiful story Great movie watching in silence and respect! I cried at the end 
Strange that I had never heard of it. I was even in the US at the time. I will have to check it out. I am, however, immediately suspicious of Iraq/Afghanistan movies. Too many political motivations to them. Maybe in 20 years someone will make one that doesn't have the normal, obligitory OEF/OIF themes:
- Best buddy killed and now you are back home dealing with it
- had to kill someone and you are back home dealing with it
- injustice of the war/ administration
- Members of the organization are incompetent or bloodthirsty
We hadn't heard of it either, but Lee found it on Netflix and thought he'd give it a try.
I loved the story for it revolved around a "typical" WWII veteran who never discussed his tour of duty with his wife and family. It took a special, audacious grandson to get him to open up. Very moving. I think you might like it Todd.