Vee, it's funny you post this, because I was about to start a conversation regarding Iwo Jima (or Iwo To, as it is now called). What I was going to post is that I am going to be able to got there next Tuesday!!! Our Squadron is going to hop on two of the Wing's C-130s and go out there for a day trip. Needless to say, I am breathless with anticipation! I even bought some 4x5 black and white film for the occassion so I can be like Joe Rosenthal!

Well #@!$.
[ed. seems they took away the image of the typhoon that was bearing down on the island when I was originally going to go - prompting my comment.]
Hey Todd , I hope you and your squadron had a good a day trip !! I hope you have done with many photos and you're going to share !! I look forward to seeing 
Well, they had us out on the airfield at 0500 and they started to manifest the plane so I figured we were actually going to go. I should have listened more to my original feeling, which was that it would be cancelled (after making us show up at 0500, of course). They called it off around 0620 because of the huge typhoon that is between Oki and there.
They are saying they will reschedule for late November or early December. I will, of course, keep you posted.
Ok troops, this has been rescheduled for next Wednesday. Hopefully, the weather hold out!
Hey Todd , I hope you have a good weather !! makes of many pictures
Good trip !! Vee
Crap!! It got cancelled again!!! Oh well, maybe next time. . .