Got this a while back and I did pass it along to all the members on my 343rd list, but now posting it here.
July 2014
Marion – hello from England. Just making sure you got my message in case it is of passing interest to your members. My book, Home Bases, is out. There is passing mention of the 343rd castle in it. I am now hoping to do a larger article for someone.
I'm told the book has some nice stuff on Facebook – I’m not on Facebook myself but the book is.
I know my book is mostly about bases in London and not lots about the Army but if any of your members are interested in US military history in WWII and the Cold War generally then they certainly may be interested in this. I have taken the liberty of attaching the press release again. Just not sure if you got to saw – I have so many messages going in and out. The book is only out through Bayberry. At sometime it will go to Amazon but probably not until October/November. It won’t be any cheaper but shipping might be. My publisher says it’s a very ‘niche’ book. What!!!!!! He’s right of course, but it’s my baby!
Marion – do you know if anybody has any pictures of the guys either at the actual camp when it was in the woods there or regathering at the Castle. Who would have those?
Sean Kelly
I hope to take a trip out there to it in the next six weeks.
Marion - hello again from England.
I don’t know if I ever updated you, but “Home Bases: Memories & Stories of US Mitliary Bases Around London” is out and available
Also, so you know, I was invited to the 8th AF WWII command bunker recently. You can see some pictures - about six of them - if you scroll down here.
go about two or three rows down. I will be writing more about the bases soon I hope. I hope to continue to preserve the memories of these places - but
time and real world are against me - unless I win the lottery soon! Anyway, I hope you enjoy remembering the old places.
I hope all is good and that your memories remain strong!
Kind regards,
Sean Kelly
Congrats on a job well done!
Marion – Just wanted to let you and all the 343rd know that, at long last, after having written about it in “Home Bases” I finally got to return to make a return visit the 343 ‘Castle’ memorial at Nettlebed yesterday with my family. We planted a small American flag there (as you can see from the picture). It was lovely to get back and see it – I don’t think I had seen in for 20 years! Certainly I couldn’t tell where it had been struck by the Mini about five years ago. I shot the picture of it as I found it…only having planted the little American flag in the bowl on the roof. Afterwards I removed a couple of the sticks you can see in the foreground.
It remains wonderful little bit of American military history in the heart of the English countryside. I will write more about it for a story this year.
I hope all else is well. I am giving a few talks about “Home Bases” and there is a Facebook site for the book….. I’m trying to follow the fate of the former USAF base where I went to school – the former WWII HQ for the USAAF 8th Bomber Command at Daws Hill, High Wycombe — just four miles away!
My regards,
Sean Kelly
Author, Home Bases