Now it's my turn
I bought this Army Reader, from a person here in Bologna where I live ....
To my surprise I discovered that the booklet is partly compiled and translated in Italian!
trying to find out information about the owner James Elmer Faison 34457613, I discovered he was enlisted at Ft. Bragg and that it was not lucky enough to be able to go home since he died in January 1945 KIA...
I would like, if possible, to know something about this soldier, if he was a paratrooper etc.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Wow, that is quite a find and interesting regarding the translation too. You never know what will turn up next. A really cool aspect of our "jobs".
Let's see what we can find... 
Thanx, I admit to being quite excited, because I did not think to find information on the soldier who had belonged, and instead even name and serial number, it was really good! 
sifting through the book I found the page for letters and a test letter dated December 22, 1944 declares that the soldier was in Italy....
which would never go with the parachutist hypothesis....
on another page instead I found a clipping of an Italian aircraft , taken perhaps from a book....

WHOA! What were the chances of that? Good detective work!!!
How sad though...
In fact very few.... do you think it is possible that he was in the artillery?
The article talks about crew....
That's what it sounds like to me. I was thinking artillery, too.
ok so at this point ft. Bragg ?? not only the paratroopers were trained them?
However a friend of mine was telling me about a similar incident happened at the 91st Inf. div. in an area that I know well. He will let me know if the date coincides!
Fascinating! and Bravo to great research and respect for another human being!