Hello. My name is Matt Snyder. My grandfather was Sgt Maj William Snyder. He was in the army 51-71 and served in the 10th Engineer Battalion. I'm trying to find out information on his service. Projects he worked on , things he was a part of etc. I was wondering if you could help me find out where to find this information or where I could start. Or even better if you had any experience with him or his unit.
I also want to apoloize ahead of time, if some of my terms are not correct. I have cerebral palsy and so was never able to serve myself. Thank you.
I am a member of the Korean War page on Facebook and just submitted a question to them. I will let you know if we find anything.
You may also want to contact the Army Corps of Engineers Office of History to see what they have, and/or NARA in Maryland. I have instructions on how to do so in our Research Section. 
awesome! Thank you for all the help! I'll start checking out those links right away!
Good luck. We are happy to help and thank YOU for REMEMBERING him and keeping his story alive.
I was able to get some thing from my father about my grandfather.
I dont have time to scan this whole book, at the moment, but I wanted to post this here. If you know someone who may be in here and give me a name I"ll be more than happy to check and see if I can find them.
Please take a look at the 3rd picture with the units listed, just to save me some time if possible, so I'm only looking for people who may be in there.
Please move this to a more appropriate forum area if this is incorrect.

Yes, I moved this to your original posting. 
hahah thanks! sorry for that.
No problem! That's part of my "job"! Thanks for sharing, once again.