Received this request a few days ago. If anyone can help, please respond. Thank you as always! Hello,
My Grandfather is a 94 year old WWII vet. Recently, we were going through some old photos and came across some taken while he was enlisted. One photo was of him and 4 of his service buddies. He teared up thinking about them and wondered if any of them were still living. I would like to help him track them down if at all possible. I asked him what unit he served with and he told me Company A 359th Engineers 1st Platoon. I am not well versed in military lingo so I googled it and stumbled upon your forum. I'm not sure if this is where I need to be, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Pap is very proud of his service and I would like to reunite him with his fellow countrymen if at all possible before it is too late. There are few WWII vets left and I believe their stories should be told. Thank you and God Bless!
Ashley Kamp
Posting these for Ashley.
Can we have his name so I can correctly identify him in the gallery?

The group photo on the left has a few names written on the back and if I am making them out correctly they read:
Pvt. LM Tarter
Pvt. Howard Davis
Pvt. John Lucas para trooper
My grandfather is the one in the middle in the back, Howard Davis. He could not recall the names of his fellow servicemen until I read the few names on the back. He could not remember the names of the other gentlemen listed.
Howard Davis is on the left in the second photo. There is no name written on the back...only Reims, France, November 2, 1945.
I don't know if the gentlemen in these photos served in the same platoon as Pap or not. His memory is quite fuzzy and he seems to recall the same stories each time we talk (most of them involve a pretty girl :-)). He told me he served in Company A, 359th Engineers, 1st Platoon if that information is helpful. Is there anywhere I can research that platoon specifically and view the names of those enlisted? Thank you all so much for your help! I would love to know if there are any of these guys still around!

Thanks, I will post those in the gallery and now I have some names to display too.
They are now in the gallery under Engineers Various Images!