PFC Desmond T. Doss
Hello Everyone,
Wanted to bring to your attention today, if you have not heard about it, of a new film that is to be released on November 4th, 2016 entitled "Hacksaw Ridge". This film is to portray the remarkable story of Medal of Honor winner PFC Desmond T. Doss. His award carries with it a couple of distinctions, the first being he was the only medic to be awarded the MoH in World War II. There were many deserving of the award but the army brass at the time had a certain "prejudice" or "reluctance" to give the award to medics, the brass could not discount his actions of May 1945 though. The second distinction is that PFC Doss is the very first conscientious objector ever to receive the MoH. He preferred the term "conscientious cooperator" though, for he gladly wanted to serve his country but because of his strong religious beliefs could not carry a weapon or kill anybody. Making him a medic was the solution.
I am anxiously waiting to see this film, hopefully they have presented this hero's story well. Time will tell. Have a good one everybody!
Can't wait to see it! Thanks for letting us know about this.
Thanks for posting, I will be looking forward to seeing this movie.
Having spent so much time on Okinawa, I will be very interested in seeing this. Just before I left the island (insert sad face here) in June, I was able to take a battle site tour with my son and his 5th grade class. One of the places we went was Kakazu ridge (http://www.jahitchcock.com/kakazu.html)

From the observation tower you can see Hacksaw ridge in the distance. I actually was there in person in 1998, but I unfortunately don't have any pictures. I remember hearing about Desmond Doss from the tour guide (actually the same guy in 1998 that did our tour this last June).
In 2004, two years before the passing of Mr. Doss, a documentary was made about him titled "The Conscientious Objector". I viewed this show on youtube recently, well worth watching if you have never seen it.
Here is the trailer for the up coming movie "Hacksaw Ridge"
Talk about tugging at your heart strings. Whoa! Can't wait to see it.
"Hacksaw Ridge" opens in theaters this Friday, I can't hardly wait, been anxiously awaiting the release of this film for some time now. We are making this a family outing, with quite a number of us all going to see the movie together.
Just found this great old clip on youtube. In 1959 Desmond Doss was the focus on the television program "This Is Your Life", I just love this, hope you enjoy!
What an unassuming man. Hard to believe that he performed all those heroic deeds during the war, for he is so mild mannered, meek and humble. How wonderful to hear how several businesses pulled together to help out his family.