Hi, I'm new to the forum. My dad was in Company C of the 342nd Engrs in the European Theater of Operations. I have his battalion group photo, jacket, and discharge papers. I've attached the photo that I think is from Camp Robinson, Arkansas 1943
Was wondering if anyone has any photos or information on Royal Burdette Langsdon.
Thanks, Phillip
Hi Phillip,
The 342nd appears a number of times in the volume we call our "bible" 0n WW2. https://archive.org/stream/corpsofengineers00beck#page/n3/mode/2up
Pages 38, 271, 346-47, 353-54 and 398.
They were one of the first engineer units to arrive in the UK and were heavily involved in construction and repair there and in Europe.
Well I couldn't find anything (photos) during my initial search, but I did come across this, although you may already have them in your possession.

Thanks so much to Marion and Colin. I'm learning so much. The information coincides with dad's stories of where he went after they arrived in France. I was just a child but remember the names of the ports they worked on once I saw them in print.
I know I can speak for Colin and say, you are most welcome. We love helping others. So many played a huge role in my research, and now I feel it's my turn to give back!