These are some pictures that my father in law had stashed away. I am assuming that he was in the 1058th because of the pictures, but all of his records were lost in the fire of 1973. In the one picture with his buddies in a bar or something, George Brannon is the one on the far right. I have no idea who the others are. The picture where they are sitting on a dock or bridge, George is in the center front.
I have a lot more pictures, and will probably post them later. Most appear to be official Army photos that were badly copied.

Awesome. Welcome to the forum. Can't wait to see more!!!
As you will discover, (see our RESEARCH section), NARA in St Louis is NOT the only place they kept soldier's discharge documents. Why they simply don't tell us this in the first place, is beyond me. But no, you only get a letter saying, "Sorry...", with no other information. Sigh!
You will also discover that unit records are kept in a building in Maryland. These are official archived army documents, that include daily, weekly, and monthly journals, along with maps, photos, etc.
I figured that they were the same then as when I was in the Army, and that there has to be something somewhere. I just have to figure out which unit he may have been in. I think that he may have been one that went to the Phillipines because he had a collection of coins from France, Belgium, Germany, and the Phillipines. I am going to post some more pictures here, and I wanted to add that my Father in law's full name was George Edward Brannon and he usually went by Ed

I have not seen many of these photos before, so that is always cool. No matter how many bridge shots I have looked at, it still amazes me.
This post (elsewhere on our forum) is really interesting and even includes entries from a veteran that was there. It brings up the Philippines too. Talk about traversing the earth! :o
Very awesome pictures. Like M1, I don't see a lot of "new" WWII pictures. It's sort of amazing, but with some many pictures, you usually see only the same pictures in all books, websites and TV shows. Always good to see new ones - and good new ones at that.
These are absolutely awesome historical photographs! Thanks so much for sharing them with us, those are great treasures you have there. LOL at the one depicting the "gallows humor", love it!