
Full Version: Rudy Tisovoch 48th Combat Engineer
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Received these letters this week. Was able to hook Robert up with Al Kincer. Below are Robert's letters to me and Al's reply including two photos. These are great, especially the WEDDING photo. :pdt12:





I am Robert Tisovich from Ely Minnesota. Rudy Tisovich would have been my uncle.

Only one sister of Rudy's is alive.

She would like some information on Rudy.

Please email back what ever information you recall about Rudy.

What is the "Just Marrried" sign about?

You can go to my webb site to learn about Rudy's family.

Most appreciative on the info you put on the webb.


Robert Tisovich

July 25, 2005




I just did a search on my site and came up with a Tisovich on my buddy Al Kincer's page. Is this the Tisovich you are referring to? If so I can contact Al and ask him.





Yes that's Rudy. That is how it was communicated he died, but a plane was to have dropped a bomb on the truck.Now there is first hand knowledge, thank you.





Dear Robert:


I am Alfred Kincer, I commanded Co. B of the 48th Engineers. At one time I was the Bn. Motor Officer. That is where I knew Rudy & all of the fellows in the motor pool. Rudy was a mechanic, that is where we got to be good friends. I left the motor pool in October of 1943. I was very sad when I learned of the deaths of Kantz & Rudy. They were great soldiers.


My wife & I were married at Camp Gruber in October 1942. The G.I's of the motor pool made the sign, put it on a GI truck & rode us around the camp when the wedding was over. I will try to find more picturesif you like. Please reply.


AL Kincer


This picture was taken after the wedding. Rudy saved the sign. We still have it. Al


Al added:


It was an artillery shell that killed Tis & Kantz. They were changing the wheel bearings on a deuce and a half truck. The two were big buddies.