These two pictures are of my Grandfather (one wearing glasses and his eyes closed LOL) in France. He was with the 1132nd Combat Engineers and was at Camp Lucky Strike late 1944-45. Was wondering if anyone recognizes the men in the pictures with him? Any information on the men and the 1132nd Combat Engineers would be great

The 1132nd Engineers was in reality the 1132nd Engineer Combat Group. IT acted as a coordinating HQ for likely a revolving set of smaller units like combat BN,s Bridge Companies, Dump Truck and heavy equipment companies etc.
According to the Army Unit Citation and Campaign Credit Register, the 1132nd received credit for the Central Europe and the Rhineland campaigns..and occupation credit for Germany. For part of that time, the 1132nd was attached to the Ninth US Army (According to its history).
Camp Lucky Strike, by the way, served as a holding and embarkation camp for troops leaving the ETO and returning to the USA.
That is the most information I have had in all the time I have been researching. Thank you so much
Do you have any idea where I can find their insignia?
We have an DUI (insignia book), online on this site. Will find the link and post it here in a few...