This is from Taylor. Says it all doesn't it? 
Happy new year to everyone.
I know that people like to make new year's resolutions
to say what they will do different in the next year to
come. I know that after my experience, I will do
things and see things differently. It can be so easy
to get wrapped up in our everyday routines, that we
forget about the little things that make us happy and
unique. Being here has showed me just how lucky I am.
In the absence of everything you love, you find a new
understanding for what is important. What is
important are the simple things that we become so used
to that we don't even realize they are happening.
They are opportunities to see or talk to the people
that we care about. Those opportunities are not
unlimited, and I hope that when I get home, I will
remember how much I wished I had them when I couldn't.
It's hard to see things for what they are when you
are involved in the situation, but taking a step back
has made me realize just how lucky I am to have the
people in my life that I have. My resolution is to
never forget that. Well I better get going.
Love Taylor