Cindy Sheehan, son is turning over in his grave..
Her son en-listed in the service , like so many did to be able to go to college.. As a WW2 veteran ,we did the same thing. My mother did not go out saying FDR started that war. Even when my brother was KIA with 101st airborne. Where is her son father?
If we did what Cindy wants us to do, her sun died in vain and we all would be under Terrorists Control. CINDY wake up the latest pole said 80 % think you are wrong, so you are among the 20 % radicals.
While all of us are in TOTAL agreement that to lose a loved one, a son, is a terrible thing, but no one MADE him join. There is no draft. No one forced him to go. He joined of his own volition and gave all to his country, his unit, his squad.
Of course NO ONE wants to die young, but if he could rise from his grave, he'd probably tell his mom a thing or two. Maybe tell her that he loves her and that he misses her and then tell her to go home and grieve in private with their loved ones.
Yes, Papa, when you lost your brother and your parents lost their son, your mum didn't go to President Roosevelt and call him names and blame him. Cindy if you want to blame someone, blame the terrorists. Place the blame where the blame lies. Good grief.
The way the world is today, NONE of us are safe. Cindy, do you remember 9-11? Those people were eating breakfast and going to work and going to school. They weren't soldiers and they all died. Who's to blame there? Should they not have gone to work and school that day? Was it President Bush's fault? No, it was the terrorists fault?
Cindy, your son could die anywhere. He could die in the USA defending his country against another attack. He could die innocently anywhere boarding a subway that was under attack from terrorists ANYWHERE in the world. What would you have done then? Who would you have blamed Mrs. Sheehan? Life is never easy. Losing a loved one at anytime under any circumstance is never easy. Sometimes life downright sucks. ![:(](uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png)
But your son was proud to be a soldier and you at least owe him some dignity in death. Go home. Our hearts go out to you, but go home.
I agree with everyone on this subject. No one made him join, he did it to serve his country, he took an oath and our other VETS from WWII, Koren War, Viet Nam and Gulf would be ashamed of the way this mother is acting. Yes, losing a son is hard. I myself lost two sons, one 55hours after he was born, and 4 days for the other. Who did I blame? The doctors? No, I didn't blame anyone it just is the way life goes. You know that we have been struggling to get daddy home and he went and served his country for 33 1/2 months. He could have been killed, he had 4 beach landings. Would my mother who was married to him blamed our President? No? Cindy, I pray for you ever night so that you will find peace in your heart and PRIDE in what your son gave to this country. Please don't let his life be in vain by trying to blame anyone. My ex-sister in law (like my sister ) died from Cancer back July 29,2003 and she gave me her son, like Jesus gave Mary (his mother) to Peter. So I also have a son now serving our country over there and if he were to be killed for his country. I would have to accept this. He was just home to visit for two weeks and left on the 18th of August to go back. I got to spend a whole three days with him. He has a wife and three lovely children in Tenn. and we talk all the time. She would never blame anyone if he were to be killed. She herself was in the service and would go if she were still in and our country needed her. That is what we call our HERO'S. Mine is my Daddy and my son. HONOR AND REMEMBER YOUR SON FOR HE IS HELPING US TO KEEP OUR FREEDOM FROM THOSE THAT WOULD LOVE TO STEAL IT FROM US LIKE THEY DID ON SEPTEMBER 11. Please Cindy don't disrespect our Military by acting like this and blaming our President. This is what the bad guys want us to do.
Keeping all of our Soldiers in my prayers.
MyDaddyMyHero. ![-o-](uploads/emoticons/default_angel.gif)
Just a note: Cindy's son re-enlisted and ask for Irac duty
Oh, the story keeps getting better. That about closes the case then doesn't it? Clearly this brave young soldier knew all about hazardous duty and yet wanted to go back.
Cindy, please go home. Turn your grief into something useful, instead of lambasting the president of the United States and our policies. Turn to your church, your friends, your job, whatever. There are people who will help you through your grief.
I only hope others don't see us (THE USA) as a bunch of pansy whiners! ![:wacko:](uploads/emoticons/default_wacko.png)