09-15-2005, 04:54 PM
09-15-2005, 04:54 PM
09-15-2005, 08:43 PM
Oh you got it! This is the place. Love, love, love the reenactors photo. Please find out more info and let us know.
09-16-2005, 08:02 PM
E mailed " Mitchy from France" . Have a web site showing several of the Engineer pics
in the reenactments. Including the one I posted. (Somehow Mitchy got my E mail addy
from a site and had a lot of questions which I answered best as possible. Since then we have corresponded many times). Go slowly thru these pics on this site and you will see
quite a few Engineers in reenactment). http://www.warfoto.com/3rdsocietyphotos5.htm
Mitchy is right now in this country (for another week) but not near my area. Danm it.
Right now I have a perfect ww2 type helmet (probably from Korea or Nam but the same
thing) complete with liner and straps, plus 30 plus 6 pocket M-1 bandoleirs w/ cardboards for any reenacment group for postage only. Just might help someone out.
09-16-2005, 08:22 PM
Just went to their site and the photos are very, very nice. Just love the fact that they did them in b&w because it makes it look like the real thing. If you didn't know any better, you'd swear they were authentic WWII shots. Nice job guys!
So what do you personally think of reenactors? I've heard both sides of the story. Most folks are simply just fine with it, but there's a few who think it's insane and that grown men shouldn't be playing dress up and running around in WWII uniforms.
To me I think it's great that they would take the time to do this and to honor our vets, but I am not a WWII vet, just a plain ol' civilian.
A few of my WWII buddies actually belong to a couple of the reenactors groups and they love it. I even got invited to join one of the Battle of the Bulge units in Pennsylvania. They told me they have some women that come along. I said it sounded like a blast. Don't know if I'll ever get to do it, but it sure sounds tempting.
09-16-2005, 08:24 PM
PS. I'd love to talk with Mitchy sometime. Think it's possible? Can you hook us up?
09-17-2005, 12:16 AM
Marion: Better waite about 2 weeks till he gets back home to France. Then contact him.
His E mail addy is; MichelMITCHY@aol.com And yes, you can use me as a reference if you think its needed. I heard from him two times in the past 10 days while is he is here in the U.S. He is a State Trooper over there in civilian life. One hell of a nice guy. Far as reenactment groups, I think they are doing a wonderfull job in their portrayal of many different wars. Not just ww 2. Naturally I do critisize in "fun", like
"damn it, spread out, dont bunch together, makes too good a target when you do".
Could not believe what those M-1 rifles cost them and have to be made non firing.
09-18-2005, 09:32 AM
As the now generation would say "Awesome"
I wondered where Olvier Blanc-Brude had gone Now I know. We have done emails over the years.
Great work. I can not tell what is current OR WW2 in photos. The garb is noticeable most of the Med-vets had Combat boots by April 44 The ones who wore leggings were Replacements.
Reenactors: You can tell the age of the boys by the size of their toys, Enjoy it while you can.
09-19-2005, 01:11 PM
Agreed. The photos are awesome. Showed them to my husband and he couldn't get over how good they were. Obviously the sepia-toning adds a very nice touch.
Now to get my hands on a WWII jeep. Oh boy wouldn't that be fun!