My friend John sent this to me the other day. Happy to share it with you:
The following poem was given to me at the 1108th Combat Engineer Group reunion in August 2007, by Frank West, 235th Regiment, Co C. Frank sat with the idea of writing a poem on combat engineers, and was surprised how quickly the words poured out once he got started. The words just flowed out me, he declared. I don't even know where they came from! John
The Combat Engineer - Frank West
The way is blocked, and the tanks are stopped
And that's not good at all.
So, we'll sweep the roads and blast it too
And build a bridge to get them through.
We do our job, and do it well
Even though it's done in Hell.
The engineers are here to stay
No matter what the others say.
Trouble is our middle name
And combat is our game.
We lead the way, and save the day
We keep them going in no small way.
They're on the move
Because the engineers are in the groove.
We show them all, how it's done
And keep the enemy on the run.
So pass the word to friend and foe
That the engineers are on the go.
Now raise your glass and drink the wine
To all our friends we left behind.