New book on Korean War Engineers.
The Office of History has formally released its latest publication, Remembering the Forgotten War: U.S. Army Engineer Officers in Korea. The book is a richly illustrated collection of oral history interviews, drawn largely from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oral history collection. The book was released on July 13 at a reception in Headquarters hosted by Lt. Gen. Carl Strock, Chief of Engineers
The major event of WW 2 for the USA was June 6th 1944. Give thos e veterans their due respect.
Those of us who served in other places should always be proud of our service. The whole war fits into the complete puzzle. NOT ONE piece can be missing OR the puzzle is not complete.
Bless em all
You mean their finally calling it a war and not a police action. Give me a break, those guys that fought in Korea went through the same hell as those who fought in any other war/military action. Matter of fact my uncle was a mechanic in the 8th Army I believe it was. Have you ever seen the korean War Memorial in person. Kind of spooky looking.