
Full Version: Bob MacGillivray
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Bob MacGillivray passed away Oct. 12th, 2005.

Sgt., 286th Field Artillery Observation Battalion, Battery B, Sound Platoon


Thanks to the help of this site and Ed Marinello I was given the change to speak with Bob and learn about his time during WWll.


Below is a link of an article written about Bob. He will be greatly missed.



Sorry guys! I posted in the wrong area.



So sorry to hear of his passing. I did read the article and it was really nice. His legacy was his smile. What a great way to remember someone. Hope he is smiling in heaven now along with all the other great vets of WWII. :pdt20:


BTW, don't worry about posting in the wrong place. It's easy for me to move things. ;)

Sounds like a great guy. There were very few of those FA Observation Battalion and I would have liked to learn more about what they did.

Thanks for sharing that.

