I very much enjoyed the Veteran interviews on this program, but I didn't enjoy the fact that the program was also used to push a video game...Give me a reenactment with real people any day to the computer generated "soldiers." 

Well that is true. I didn't realize the premise, but yes, it was to push a video game. But in the same token, if it educates people and turns them onto history, then all is not lost.
The interviews were good, I was just hoping to hear more. It is always good to see our buddies though.
Hi from Luxembourg,
The history channel isn't available in Lux. were it possible to get me a copy too??
That were very kind.
I heard from a couple of my buddies this week that they actually could purchase copies from the History Channel website.
I would gladly send you a copy of the VHS, but have no way to copy the tape I made. I can only copy CD's, but not VHS, since I don't have a dual player.
Let me see what info I can up... Hey after all I OWE ya one.
You sent me all those great DVD's which I can finally watch on my computer since I got a DVD player at last a couple of weeks ago. YEAH!
Ah thanks, and are the dvd's working??
And how did you find them I hope you will enjoy them. 
Did you already received it Reg? I ordered mine too
. If everything is right I will get it this week. Ann (from the tour) send a tape to me so I can see it too. So nice from here!!!
Frank ,
I'm waiting for the tapes too ,
Marion has send them to me and Ann send me her tape she recorded on tour .
I watched it again today and this time it left a big lump in my throat to hear again that common theme..."It had to be done...he had to be stopped, and I'd do it again if my country needed me." To hear these words from an 80 year old man makes me so proud of my father's generation I can hardly stand it.... Each and every one of these men will always be Heroes to me in the first degree 

Yes, no hesitation. It was matter of fact. Something needed to be done and so many jumped to do what they could.