Okay guys and gals, this is a really good deal!
The entire set of Victory at Sea for $19.99!
For $39.99 you get
Victory at Sea
War in Europe
War in the Pacific
You can get that entire Victory At Sea DVD set brand new on ebay for as little as $6.88. That's what I paid for mine )
The Frugal War-may
PS- For other good values on WWII DVDS I have a few for sale now on ebay my damn self! Look under "Items by Seller" for brainbell_jangler...that's me! I have a brand new 26 episode set of "War In Europe" for $5.95
Hey, lots of good stuff on the War in Europe DVD. Thanks again.
A few of my WWII buddies will be happy to know that it includes
Been wanting to see that one and now I can. Yeah!
I now have
Victory at Sea
War in Europe
War in the Pacific
Jim, the one you just got a hold of looks very interesting. Maybe I'll pick that one up too. Now I'll just have to stop writing and working on my site and watch TV. Ya, right!
I mailed you a little gift yesterday. It's a brand new copy of the History Channel program "The Conquerers- General Zhukov." I spaced-out and ordered 2 of 'em on 2 different days (the memory is going fast) instead of one. Consider it a thank you for maintaining this friendly and informative site.
That is all...
Gee, I am so touched by your kindness. Danka many times over Daddy. Can't wait to view it. You made my day!
Gee, I for one am glad your memory is failing.
There are several very good multi-episode sets of WWII DVDS produced by the BBC (Besides The World at War), and you can find them by doing a search at Amazon.com or by emailing me . One is simply titled THE SECOND WORLD WAR, and there are twenty or so volumes. I own about half of them so far and have not been disappointed with any of the. I will post a picture for visual reference:
Don't believe we have any of those. Dang, always something new to tease and tantalize us with.
Lee and I just finished watching GENERAL Zhukov. Excellent. Had only caught a part of it on the History Channel previously, so was glad to watch it in its entirety. Thanks, enjoyed it immensely.
Several things that really came across in the documentary:
- 1: He was a damn brilliant general
- 2. The soviets had the power, the armament and the soldiers to kick some butt
- 3. Stalin was a pompous jealous fool, who could have ruined the attack because he couldn't put those feelings aside
- 4. The fire power in April across the Oder those first few days was astonishing. Over a million rounds in total!
- 5. Even though Stalin tried to take the limelight away from him, in the long run after the SOB was dead, Stalin is remembered as a villain and murderer and guess who lives on in glory? General Zhukov