Added new tunes from WWII today thanks to my friend Misha from Yugoslavia. He sent me a great CD with all kinds of World War II music and I just started compiling and uploading today. I added about 10 tunes from Glenn Miller and Harry James and will be adding more this week.
WWII Tunes
So check it out and I hope you enjoy the tunes as much as yours truly. Let's swing.

I can help you with the Andrews sisters if you wish.
There is list from my old cassete(LP is lost somewhere)
1.Elmer's tune
3.Wake up and live
5.Tipi -tin
6.Well,all riht
7.Hold tight
8.South American Way
10. Ciribiribin
12.In the mood
13.Bei mir bist du schon
14.Don't be that way
15.Don,t sit under the apple tree
16.Boogie woogie bugle boy from co. b
17.Woody woodpecker song
18.House of blue lights
19.Straighteen up& fly right
20.Down by the Ohio
Marion,I can do it in the same way like last time. 
Sorry on my english, i mean.. as last time! Deck-PC-CD mp3!O.K.?
That would be wonderful Misha. I put up about 10 more songs tonight. Thanks a billion again. You have made a wonderful contribution to our site. I know the vets really appreciate it too. I get many letters from them saying so.

Today I added a great medley mix of the Andrew Sisters that Misha sent me. I didn't even realize it was on he CD he mailed to me until today. Was driving down state to get groceries for the store and the medley started up. 13 minutes of great swing. 

Hi there I'll send you some of my cd's when I'm finished with the movie's for you, I will include a movie from Normandy made by my brother it's on a VHS cassette and I have no VHS player anymore so have to borrow one so I could rip it on the pc and write it on a dvd for you.
Have a nice day you all
Gee between you and Misha I am going to be in great hands. Both of you are so kind to take your time to make CD's and tapes for me. I really, really, really appreciate your generosity. 
Thanks so much. It is nice having new friends like you. 
Please let me know if I can ever help you out. I wouldn't mind at all, so just ask. I owe ya one! 
Have a great day!!!
Added an Edith Pilaf tune yesterday and will be adding more some time today. Hey, even a Jimmy Durante song coming your way. This is in thanks to my new friend Jerry Aschermann. Thanks! 
Okay Jimmy Durante is now uploaded too.
I remember the start of a song that was in every juke-box.
It must have been UK song
It started "There will always be an England" that is all I can remember.
It was not a very good song but at that time it seemed OK
How asbout The three little fishes, they swam right over the dam
I'm sure our English friends will help you out on that one. Okay blokes, fire away.