
Full Version: Oradour-Sur-Glane
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For those who haven't heard of a small Limousin Village in France named Ouradour-Sur-Glane . Must read it's horrible story !

It is a horrible story, and it was used in the first ever episode of "The World At War."




Yes, here is what the webmaster had to say regarding that:


The 26 episodes of, The World at War, are often repeated on television. This documentary series is a favourite with minority interest program schedulers all the world over and wherever you are located, there is the possibility of its being shown. The first episode opens with a brief tour through Oradour-sur-Glane and the last one re-visits the town. Oradour was chosen by the programme makers as a symbol for the horror and tragedy of World War II and the whole series is well worth watching, containing as it does many interviews with survivors from both sides.

Sadly, 'Oradour' was repeated many times throughout the war by Waffen-SS troops, and on a much larger scale in places like The Ukraine.

