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This link given to me by Jim Hennessey:


It's called Massacres and Atrocities of WWII

Been reading through it and had to stop. It disgusts me that the majority of these SS perpetrators had their sentences commuted or (in most cases) went completely unpunished after the war. There should be no statute of limitations on crimes of this nature and magnitude, and "I was just following orders" don't cut it with me! :angry:



Amen. As I stated in my email to you...


Dear Jim:


It is very hard for me to not get angry too when I watch movies that depict

these things, or read about them in books or on the web. It's also hard not

to cry and become attached to the children and the others who went through

so much shit.


Just a few weeks ago we watched the entire Winds of War and War and

Remembrance and man it really hurt my heart. I thought about it for weeks.

How can anyone watch this and not feel for these people? Sigh!


No I don't think you are a weirdo. I personally am not angry with German

people per se, but those that committed such atrocities should never be

forgiven. There are people who make mistakes, then there are people who are

just beasts!



I have a friend who's mother was a pre-teen in Germany during the war. This woman (in her 70's today) still thinks Hitler was a great man, and her take on The Holocaust? "Why didn't the Jews just leave when they were told to?"



:woof: GRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Oh my God! Hard to believe that there are still people like that out there. But they certainly do exist. Just hard for most of us to comprehend that type of thinking.


"Why didn't the Jews just leave when they were told to?"


See to her it WAS the JEWS fault. Why didn't they just leave... Blows your mind doesn't it. She's the kind of person you would love to put in front of the "slapping line"! :angry:


That's the same stupid mentality when someone reacts to a woman getting raped. What do some people say? "Well if she wasn't wearing a skirt.", or "Well she shouldn't have been out after dark." Put the blame on the victims. :pdt33:

In germany in 1933 there was ome choice In America we had more than one.


Please understand I am not defending them, this is an explaination.


On or about 20 April 1945 I arrived at Canp Buchenwald, the clean up and burials were complete thank God. There were walking skeletons all thru the ccamp. I had no trouvle finding the crematorium. With the preparation room below. Where they slit the ankles of the courpses hanging on the wall by hooks. They were all gone. Then I rode the small elevator up to the furnace room level. There the bodies were still on the metal strechers in the ovens. In a side room were the pottery urns with the ashes in them of over 2000 people. This is as good a picutre as I can give. I rarely tell this story. YES htere are some who say it never happened. They just can not believe it. I saw it SO I know it is true.

I understand what you are saying, and agree to a certain point, but let me say this... it is one thing to be swept up in the moment as a child in 1933, and another thing entirely to still embrace those same values in 2006, after 60 some years of living in a free society.


