I know about the combat engineers on their knees and one hand the other
had a bayonet . two abreast and two behind putting tape.
Was there seen that. 1st. Bn. 135th Reg. 34 I.D. RJR
I have followed many of your other posts and know you have ""been there and done that"
After reading this book, I can more fully appreciate the sacrifice that was made by you and others in Italy .See my my profile about my wife's father Major Lester O'Neal , 39th Engineers
KIA at Riardo, Italy in Nov. 43 .
Thanks for your comments.
Sounds like something from the long gone days of WWII, but there was I, in my boot camp in 1995, learning how to prod for mines with a knife.
“Remember people! Palms up so you don't set the damn things off while you're prodding!!!!!!!â€
Thanks for your response to my post . I have followed some of your posts and know of your experiences in this subject . If you have the time, please take time to read this book . The same author also wrote THE LONG GREY LINE,COMPANY OF SOLDIERS, and CRUSADE.He plans to write another book of the WWII liberation trilogy to cover the war after the invasion of France .
I have followed many of your other posts and know you have ""been there and done that"
After reading this book, I can more fully appreciate the sacrifice that was made by you and others in Italy .See my my profile about my wife's father Major Lester O'Neal , 39th Engineers
KIA at Riardo, Italy in Nov. 43 .
Thanks for your comments.
ColBill--thanks for your answer, but my memory is fading a little and I just
am too old to read a book,almost (86), sufice to say, I'll just sit back
and read everyones' comments. Roque Riojas known bettter as Rocky
I read a bit of Army at Dawn for a paper I did for my last class. Pretty hefty tome! I'll have to check out The Day of Battle some time. I'm afraid with the WWII classes I am taking for my masters (WWII in the Pacific currently) I don't get a lot of time for additional reading!
just too old to read a book
Hey Rock, Like I said a minute ago, I don't have time to read books that aren't for my class, but I spend the time in the car listening to them. Go to the library, get them on CD and then transfer them to your PC!
Easier said than done,my freind, All I have is a lil old laptop,(Toshiba)
that my daughter gave me and an H/P 5900 series printer and nuthin else.
I will check out the library, but I will tell you the book I read after the Bible
is "Dogfaces Who Smiled Through Tears", It was written by a dogface
that was in the 168Regt. 34th I.D. Thank you for the library info. MY MY
it's almost 8pm CST. Almost bedtime. Roque,(Rocky)
Any old laptop will do; all you need is a program like Real Player (click where it says get Real Player free.) When you have the disc (does your laptop have a disc player? Some older ones don't and it occurred to me that this is all for naught if you don't have one) inserted it will ask you if you want to save the music on your drive. If you have your internet connection on, it will even download the CD info (names of tracks, genre, etc.) Even if you can't do the CD thing, most libraries have them on tape as well.
As for DFWSTT, that was one of the first things you told me to read when I came on board last year. Unfortunately, the Camp Lejeune library doesn’t have it and it is out of print. The used copies on Amazon are going for quite a pretty penny! I guess I'll try at the out in town library.

CaptO--My daughter Martha will show me if this laptop has a connection for a
CD. As for the aforementioned book. You can get one from the----
---34th Infantry Division Association----------www.34indiv.org--
7105 70th. Ave.
Johnston, Ia. 50131-24116
Cannot put e/m address. or phone no. M-1 will spank me. Rocky