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Frank Gubbels

I posted this also on the WBG website but I would like to post it here too. I found this on the internet and I am wondering if someone has ever seen this one before. Here is the link:


D-day remembered





I don't believe I have seen this one. I will have to look it up on NETFLIX to see if they offer it as a rental. I'll let everyone know if they have it too.

Hello Marion.


How are you? Did you found some time to watch the DVD? I am looking forward to read your opinion.





Hi Frank:


All is well here. Keeping busy working on the revamp for the VI Corps site. Been working on it for the last several days and have many hours put into it so far. It's coming along nicely. I am excited about it's debut. I think (I hope) it will be a big improvement.


As a matter of fact, I just started watching the DVD this morning. Am enjoying it so far. Can't imagine why I wouldn't! B)


Is that you in the very beginning? Now I finally know what you look like. :) It's always nice to place a face with a name.


Thank you once again. I really enjoy all the DVD's that everyone kindly sends my way. Since I haven't been to Europe yet, I can tour it through the eyes of a camera for now. ;)

At the very beginning you can see my brother shake hands with Bill Wingett. You can see me sitting together with Don on some stairs talking about Charles Syer. Something about a bazooka rocket.





Thanks. I'll look for you later on the DVD.


Right now I'm working out in the store and watching the US play Japan in curling in the Olympics. :D

I am wearing a white shirt. Easy to recognise.