I finally found a REASONABLY priced copy of this book that I had been searching for for over 2 years. Some copies ran as high as $325.00! OUCH!! 
This one was $99.95. I knew I wasn't going to find one any cheaper. Hell, they are hard enough to come across as is.
This is the 540th Combat Engineer's Regiment book, Overseas With the 540th, that was produced in Germany for the guys in 1945. It's a real treasure and I am so excited about finally getting my hands on one. YEE-HAW!!!!
Ah, good things come to those who wait! 
Wow! I bet you are excited. How about sharing a peek at it. Can you post a few photos or something?
A buddy wrote me to say he found a book on my Dad's unit: 328th Field Artillery. I was in shock. Of course, as it turned out, the book relates stories from World War I and not only that, it is about Battery B ----my Dad's unit (during WW2). I think I will have to get it just to complete the story.

Oh sure Steve. When I borrowed the book from my historian friend Richard Horrell about a year ago or so, I painstakingly copied each page of the book not knowing if I would ever get my own copy. So I will post some of the pics later. No problem.
Camp Custer referred to in your photo above, was where my dad trained in 42-43. The post card on his page shows the guys at Camp Custer just before he was going to his next camp and getting ready to ship for the ETO.
Sorry that your book wasn't the one you WERE expecting. It's a bite but as you said, it fills in the history and that in and of itself is very cool!
Of course if I ever see anything I will let you know immediately.