Reading Vet's stories in December - Printable Version

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Reading Vet's stories in December - Walt's Daughter - 12-04-2006

Yes Doctor Rocky. Will pass along the prescription. Sounds like a damned good rememdy if I do say so! I guess I have to find something other than Jack though. We haven't been friends for about 20 years! :drinkin::drinkin::lol::lol::lol:

Reading Vet's stories in December - roque_riojas - 12-05-2006

Yes Doctor Rocky. Will pass along the prescription. Sounds like a damned good rememdy if I do say so! I guess I have to find something other than Jack though. We haven't been friends for about 20 years! :drinkin::drinkin::lol::lol::lol:

Something better yet. Hot cup of peppermint tea. Too bad you don,t live next door. I have peppermint plants in my backyard. Wife used to get me to go get some leaves and I would put them in a pot of water and let it boil for about 3 mins. She loved it when she had a cold ,best part ,,,,rub down,yea!! now just memories. I still make the tea. Rocky :wub:

Reading Vet's stories in December - Dogdaddy - 12-05-2006

It seems to me that beyond the frozen feet it would be hard to maintain a state of alertness in mind-numbing cold like that. I've been in minus 20 degree weather before, but thank God nobody was shooting at me, because I was so miserable that I might not have ducked! :lol:




Jim :woof:

Reading Vet's stories in December - j3rdinf - 12-05-2006

"quote: Remember reports during December '44 and have read it many times since - That was one of the coldest Winters Europe ever had. Tell me about it!!!" How damn true Sarge. Remember it well. A Infantrymans worse nightmare. I think the '44-'45

winter hit record lows.. But I could be wrong..

Reading Vet's stories in December - Walt's Daughter - 12-05-2006

Hey Joe and gang:


Take a look at this page for some quotes from Stephen Ambrose, etc, regarding that winter.

Reading Vet's stories in December - roque_riojas - 12-05-2006

Hey Joe and gang:


Take a look at this page for some quotes from Stephen Ambrose, etc, regarding that winter.

Marion; did you see the telephone lineman ? That is Exactly what I did when I went on patrol. I also climbed trees to string a line overhead across a road. Notice no M 1 rifle. only when on the line. Rocky :pdt::pdt33:

Reading Vet's stories in December - Walt's Daughter - 12-06-2006

Cool Rocky. I will also think of you when looking up telephone poles!


We'll have to change the words to the old Glen Campbell song, "I am a lineman for the county", to "I am a lineman for the army..." :pdt34:

Reading Vet's stories in December - Dogdaddy - 12-06-2006

Cool Rocky. I will also think of you when looking up telephone poles!


We'll have to change the words to the old Glen Campbell song, "I am a lineman for the county", to "I am a lineman for the army..." :pdt34:

Good one Marion...How about "I am a lineman for the Red Bulls?" :) Speaking of them, I found a documentary about Red Bulls in WWII in the new DVD catalogue just received from International Historic Films.




:woof: DD