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Photos Albums - CaptO - 02-22-2008

Great pictures, Martin! I must reiterate what I told Veronica when she showed us her Normandy photos: I'm extremely jealous! I'll make it to Europe someday - just don't know when. The only WWII battle site I have seen (living in the US you are pretty limited) was Okinawa. When I was in the Marine reserves before I got commissioned, I went to Oki for a two week training event. During the weekend we were there we did the Okinawa battle site tour which took us to the Japanese naval underground HQ, Sugarloaf, and Shuri Castle (the rebuilt Shuri castle.) It was very cool although I wish I had read With the Old Breed before I had gone there.

Let that be a lesson to you all, before you go to a battlefield or other historic site, learn as much as you can! I studied Gettysburg before going and it made the experience much better. I visited Fort Fisher before learning anything about it and it just looked like big evenly spaced man-made hills. Learning about it afterward, I kinda slapped my forehead and said, "Oh! I get it now!"

Photos Albums - rennog - 02-24-2008

Thx CaptO, well maybe one day you'll make it to this side of the pond and we could meet at one of those battlefields over here, that were great :armata_PDT_01: .

I would like to visit the battle areas in the pacific like Iwo Jima and others, the GI's had more then one D-DAY over there, these Jab's were a fierce adversary :armata_PDT_19: .


You're right about learning as much as possible from a battlefield, I do not know how I should express it but I think you get a better feeling if you know what has happened where you stand.


CaptO do you know about the battle of Verdun? Wednesday I'll go with a friend of mine for the whole day to Verdun and maybe we'll make to the Us. cemetery of Saint Mihiel near Thiaucourt it's +/- 48 km from Verdun (30 miles) I'll shoot a lot of photos :armata_PDT_19: .

Here's a link from that battle

You don't have any photos from your visit at Okinawa? I would like to see them.

So have a nice sunday you all.



Photos Albums - rennog - 05-12-2008

On the 25 april I made a spontaneous trip to Bastogne and shot some photos from the area if you like here's the link:



Photos Albums - rennog - 07-12-2009

Hi I added 3 new Albums at picasa


I added some photos from today in the 552 album

Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 07-12-2009



Are those your two "wee" ones in the photos? They are very cute!

Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 07-12-2009

While looking at the older photos, there were a couple there which reminded me of my dad in the motorpool. I think you will see why:




Photos Albums - rennog - 07-13-2009



Are those your two "wee" ones in the photos? They are very cute!


This are Tatjana 11 and Guy 6.






I added a video of that hall in picasa the dark green hall is the original that you can see on the photo it's located in Rodange Luxembourg very close to the border of France & Belgium

Photos Albums - rennog - 07-13-2009

I added some photos my friend Tom he's from Northwood in New Hampshire, his Father was in Europe during the War.

Here his contact info's

Thomas Dole

(603) 942-5288

91 Rochester Rd, Northwood, NH 03261



Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 07-15-2009

I added a video of that hall in picasa the dark green hall is the original that you can see on the photo it's located in Rodange Luxembourg very close to the border of France & Belgium


Always cool to see videos. Thanks for adding those also.

Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 07-15-2009

Looking through the photos for Tom's dad. Do you know what unit he was with?


Oh, saw the photo of their mascot who was killed by a truck. How sad!



Posted a few minutes later....


Never mind, saw the second set of photos and the first photo shows a sign which states "552nd Ordnance Co"