photo of Normandy - Printable Version

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photo of Normandy - chucktoo1926 - 03-08-2005

YIKES MARION; Your'e beginning to scare me. Is there anything you can't do?

Can't wait till a Doctor comes on so the two of you can discuss brain surgery.

Just having a little fun. But tell me--- how did you find time to catch a cold?


photo of Normandy - Walt's Daughter - 03-08-2005

Thanks Chuck! I just have a wide variety of interests. I was always a very curious child. My parents stressed education and we read a lot in my family. I started reading books when I was four. Hey I knew I had a lot to master when I learned what my last name was, PONIEDZIALEK and mom says I could spell it before I went to kindergarten. :wacko:


I was brought up with and lived amongst some great people and my Uncle Howard sparked my interest in photography when I was in grade school. He had a darkroom and would show me how to take and develop photos. So when I got to high school I took some classes too.


My dad and his one of his good buddies (he lived across the street from us) were always tinkering with projects. Bill was an electronic engineer and dad was a mechanic so...


I was just turned onto so many things as a child and always had a natural curiosity. Wasn't real popular in grade school, etc. but I'd rather hang out with the adults anyway. I was an only child, so I really liked the company of adults. I learned a lot that way.


I have a strong memory of going over to my aunt and uncle's house in Warren, MI and I would always run to their great set of encyclopedias and read for hours. Yup, that's just me.


Anyway, enough of me. Just filling you in on little tidbits of my life as we go... -_-

photo of Normandy - Custermen - 03-08-2005

we studied Capa so I know about the mishap with all the photos he took on D-day

That link tells the story of what became of the still shots. But there were many Army camera men with movie cameras. These film cans were collected and handed over to a Major who was to take them back to England. As he was boarding the ship, he dropped the sack of film cans in the drink.

[According to a History Channel documenatry.]



photo of Normandy - Irishmaam - 03-08-2005

YIKES MARION; Your'e beginning to scare me. Is there anything you can't do?

Can't wait till a Doctor comes on so the two of you can discuss brain surgery.

Just having a little fun. But tell me--- how did you find time to catch a cold?


Well Chuck she is very multi talented..Thank God for that well that and the others who have infuenced her.



Were you referring to me and brain surgery? How did you know !!! Just yankin your chain, but Marion and I do seem to have a lot in common which in my book is a good thing..Brain surgery indeed I do know a couple cranium jokes... :banghead: Cindy