Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Printable Version

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Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-13-2010

Thanks buddy. You're my very first review ever!!!!! Appreciate your post.




And if anyone is inclined in the future (and this is strictly up to you), feel free to post a review on the site.


Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Dogdaddy - 07-13-2010

One of the Vets in the program said "I don't want to fight the Japs," after hearing about the heat, insects and other conditions in the PTO. I think whatever part of the USA you grew up in also had a great influence on where each man volunteered to fight in WWII. His comment reminded me of my own Father telling me that most of the guys he knew (in Seattle) wanted to fight the Japs rather than Germany and many of his relatives and buddies joined the Navy or the USMC after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

I am going to watch M1's fine documentary again tonight, as I'm sure I will find things I missed the first viewing.



Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - roque_riojas - 07-13-2010

One of the Vets in the program said "I don't want to fight the Japs," after hearing about the heat, insects and other conditions in the PTO. I think whatever part of the USA you grew up in also had a great influence on where each man volunteered to fight in WWII. His comment reminded me of my own Father telling me that most of the guys he knew (in Seattle) wanted to fight the Japs rather than Germany and many of his relatives and buddies joined the Navy or the USMC after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

I am going to watch M1's fine documentary again tonight, as I'm sure I will find things I missed the first viewing.




How do you watch it ??? rocky

Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-14-2010

Ah, he bought a copy on the E-STORE! ha-ha! I think he was the first one to buy one. He's now down in the history books. :clappin2:

Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-14-2010

I had a couple of initial copies in the store, and one of our liquor delivery guys just bought a copy. It was the FIRST one I SOLD in person. As Dennis and I were laughing, it was an historic moment. It was the first one I signed. WHOOO-HOOOOO!!!


He and I have been talking about it for many moons, and shared an early, incomplete version with him several months ago. His neighbor is a WWII vet, and I was pleased to let him watch it.


Thanks Dennis!!!

Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-14-2010

Looks like "the boys" will be airing in the New Jersey area soon, thanks to my friend Ed Pittarelli, Dean, Program Development, Learning Technologies, and Process Improvement - Bergen Community College. Spoke with Ed and his colleague Brian, this morning at 10 AM, and I will be sending Ed a copy of documentary this weekend.


I am SO excited about the prospects, and Ed assured me it would be seen my many, since they have a viewership of approximately 100,100 people. Heck, I'd be happy if 1000 people saw it!


Thank you Ed, thank you Brian. I know "my boys" are going to be so thrilled!

Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-16-2010

Will start mailing out DVD's to those on my requested list today. Am going to be a very busy gal, as this should take a few hours to package and record all the names in my database.

Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - CaptO - 07-16-2010

Got my copy the other day and have the opportunity to watch all but the last 15 minutes (kids and wife came home from the store and haven't had time since!) Looks great Marion; looking forward to future installments (as well as just finishing the one I have!!)

:The Queen:

Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-16-2010

Yeah, glad your copy arrived safe and sound. And even more glad you enjoyed it. Will look forward to your comments after you finish the last fifteen minutes.


Thanks for your input.




Documentary - No Bridge Too Far - Walt's Daughter - 07-16-2010

Just a heads up...


Unless you are a WWII veteran, I would truly appreciate having everyone order directly via the E-Store or


Today I spent hours (and am still not done yet), creating a database of names and addreses, buying envelopes and stuffing and labeling them. then tomorrow I have to take them to the post office for shipping.


I don't mind doing this for the vets, but more and more people are requesting that I personally mail one to them. It's really a LOT of work for me, and very time consuming, plus I have to pay to ship them to me and once again to ship them to you. One of the reasons I had a company take over publication, was to completely take this out of my hands - make it simple!


Thanks for your understanding. If anyone wants it autographed, I suggest you send it to me at a later date, and I will be happy to oblige.


Much love,
