VE-Day - Where were you? - Printable Version

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VE-Day - Where were you? - rennog - 05-09-2007

Thank God for the A-Bomb and Harry S. Truman! I say that with no apologies.

DD :woof:



Goddamn you're right Dogdaddy it saved a lot of lives!

VE-Day - Where were you? - Walt's Daughter - 05-09-2007

Hi all:


We had three separate topics on the same subject, so I took the liberty to merge them under one title. :armata_PDT_01:

VE-Day - Where were you? - Walt's Daughter - 05-10-2007

I was standing in line today at our small Post Office when an elderly lady in front of me remarked "I wonder why so busy today..not any special day?" I noticed a British accent and I replied "Actually, it is a special's V-E Day." Her next statement was "I can remember exactly where I was on this day in 1945! I was a teenager then, and we had gone to the country for a picnic!" I ended up having quite a pleasant conversation with this delightful 81 year-old British woman, who said she hated to say this but it was a wonderful time for her, being a teenager "and all the Yanks were there and they were so nice!" I reminded her that all of us owe a debt of gratitude to the brave boys/men of the RAF, without who's victory in the battle of Britain there wouldn't have been a V-E Day. She had a very vivid memory of the air raids and also of the sound of those "Doodle-bugs!" referring to the V-1 rockets. I really enjoyed talking with her! :)

DD :woof:


Outstanding. Isn't it refreshing to run into people like that? Must have made your entire day. As far as her comment about feeling guilty for saying how wonderful of a time it was for her, that is par for course. Even though bad things were happening, there was so much excitement for a young person. All the handsome GI's running around and all the momentum. I can understand both sides of the picture, absolutely. I believe, oh heck I know I would have felt just as she did.

VE-Day - Where were you? - Dogdaddy - 05-10-2007

Outstanding. Isn't it refreshing to run into people like that? Must have made your entire day. As far as her comment about feeling guilty for saying how wonderful of a time it was for her, that is par for course. Even though bad things were happening, there was so much excitement for a young person. All the handsome GI's running around and all the momentum. I can understand both sides of the picture, absolutely. I believe, oh heck I know I would have felt just as she did.

It really did make my day, and I totally understand her feeling that way too, for in spite of all the bad things going on back then..I often find myself bemoaning the fact that I was born too late to get in on it! ;) That's probably foolish, but it's the honest to God truth.



Dogdaddy :woof: