D-Day Trivia - Printable Version

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D-Day Trivia - jim armstroong - 09-29-2006



D-Day, 6 June 1944 - Normandy - France


At 6:31 a.m. Robert Capa landed in the first wave on Omaha Beach.


He captured 'bloody Omaha' in what turned out to be a world famous photo sequence.


His three rolls of film were rushed to London for processing. There a darkroom technician, eager for glimpses of the landing, dried the film too fast. The excessive heat melted the emulsion and ruined all but 10 frames.


(Note- Another Army FUBAR Incident)


Sgtleo :pdt33::pdt33:

D-Day Trivia - Dogdaddy - 09-29-2006

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall hearing about another Snafu...this time with combat camera film of D-Day which was dropped over the side of an LST. That's why the only footage that exists today is the familiar scene of 4 guys running up onto the beach and two of them falling, wounded or killed.



Jim, :woof: ,DD

D-Day Trivia - Walt's Daughter - 09-29-2006


Read all about it here gentleman. One of many FUBAR incidents during the war. Can you imagine the images? :banghead: